Our Approach
A focus on student learning drives our work. We aim to change the way that mathematics is taught and learned by building teachers’ knowledge of mathematics and their ability to use student thinking to inform their instruction, and then helping them put this knowledge into practice to engage students deeply in important mathematics. We collaborate with diverse stakeholders on structures, policies, and culture that lead to sustainable improvement, and help districts achieve results for their students through five big ideas:
Our Approach Heading link

- Focusing on student thinking and learning, with rich tasks and formative assessment
- Building teacher capacity, attending to content knowledge, resources, and practice
- Enabling effective instruction through structures, policies, and supervision
- Promoting collaboration to support reflection, growth, and sustainability
- Developing school or district infrastructure — including support for instructional leaders — to develop and sustain first-rate mathematics programs
Since 2010 we have helped districts improve student learning. How? By engaging all stakeholders. By helping develop a common vision. By building teacher capacity and informed instructional leadership. Let’s collaborate!